Thanks Mr.Lindquist for coming to celebrate with our 3rd Grade students! #GrowTheHeart!

Harper 1st Nine Weeks Honor Roll Assembly!

The Harper Faculty and Staff wished Mr.Hugans and Mr.Tillman a Happy Boss Day! Best faculty and staff around!

Come and Join us for our Walk To School day! We walk from Harper to the Amphitheater. The American Heart association will have activities for students to participate in . Students will get a snack and walk back to school.

Covey Film Festival Children's Day is next Saturday! Movies, Times, and Locations located on Poster below!

Come and Join Us!

Readers are Leaders! #AcademicRigor!

Harper 5th Grade students took an AVID field trip to FAMU today! #ExposeTheHeart!

Join us Thursday for the Homecoming Parade and Community Pep Rally! #thshoco2019 #bulldogpride

Thanks to all the parents who came out to support the Harper Literacy Initiative!

Calling all Elementary and Middle School Students...Next Week is Spirit Week! We are encouraging ALL Thomasville City Schools students to participate! Below is a list of each day's theme to coincide with the High School Students's daily theme! #BulldogPride

Parent Engagement (Literacy) Night, Thursday, September 26, 2019 @ 6:00 p.m. We will have Fun Reading games, Special Guests, a Book Raffle, $1 Book Sale and Food! We're calling all parents/guardians to come out and join in on the fun.

We’re thrilled to announce Thomasville City Schools’s new app! Access sports scores, cafeteria menus, news updates, even emergency notifications! Download the app on Android: http://bit.ly/2vVrXQ7 or iPhone: https://apple.co/2N2e9yH

Thomas University in partnership with First Commerce Credit Union presented a "Buddy Bench" to Harper Elementary this morning. The "Buddy Bench" initiative was started by Thomas University's Camp STEMtastic.

Come and Join us for our First Annual Parent Advisory Meeting on September 19th At 6:00 P.M.

Harper Parents, please stop by and pick up your student's uniform at the front office. Thanks!

On Monday, September 16th, Thomasville City Schools will observe a Student Holiday and Staff Professional Learning Day.

Come and Join us today for our 3rd-5th grade Grandparent’s Day Lunch!

Thanks Mr.Ben Lindquist for coming to be an Eagle Mentor. #GrowTheHeart!

Harper Elementary will host Grandparents Day, tomorrow, Tuesday, September 10th & Wednesday, September 11th during students' lunch times. Come out and join us!