Harper Elementary will host a book fair during the week of September 13- September 17, 2021. We will sell books from 8:00-2:30 every day. This is a full price book sale. Please include change to cover tax.
over 3 years ago, Michele Sedam
Scholastic Book Fair
Harper Elementary will host a book fair during the week of September 13- September 17, 2021. We will sell books from 8:00-2:30 every day. This is a full price book sale. Please include change to cover tax.
over 3 years ago, Michele Sedam
Scholastic Book Fair
No school on Monday, September 6. Labor Day Holiday
over 3 years ago, Michele Sedam
Progress reports and MAP test results will be sent home on Friday, September 3.
over 3 years ago, Michele Sedam
𝐀𝐍𝐍𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓 📣 Thomas County Community Assessment Survey - Thomas County Family Connection is one of the 159 counties that make up Georgia Family Connection. Georgia Family Connection is the only statewide network of its kind in the nation. Local organizations join forces together in a collaborative manner to achieve better outcomes for children and families. The community survey results will help determine how to best meet the needs of local citizens. A report from the community assessment will be made available to the community later this year. Please go to https://bit.ly/ThomasCountySurvey to complete the survey.
over 3 years ago, TCityS
Thomas County Community Assessment Survey
Please sign and return chrome book contracts. Thanks!
over 3 years ago, Michele Sedam
Please sign and return chrome book contracts. Thanks!
over 3 years ago, Michele Sedam
We look forward to seeing you at Open House on Friday, July 30 from 9-11 a.m. at Harper! We have missed our students!
over 3 years ago, Michele Sedam
Are you ready for the 2021-2022 School Year? Take a look at Our Return to School Plan for information regarding the new school year! The Plan can be viewed at www.tcitys.org/return-to-school
over 3 years ago, TCityS
return to school plan
REVISED: 🏫2021 Open House Dates & Times #ThomasvilleCitySchools #BulldogPride #AcademicsArtsAthletics
over 3 years ago, TCityS
revised open house
Today is the day! Report cards may be picked up at Harper on Friday, June 4 from 8 a.m. until 12 p.m. Please make sure all library books and chrome books are returned to receive report cards. (Cash only for fines, please.) Thanks for an awesome year!
almost 4 years ago, Michele Sedam
Report cards may be picked up at Harper on June 4 from 8 a.m. until 12 p.m. Please make sure all library books and chrome books are returned to receive report cards. Thanks for an awesome year! Have a safe and relaxing summer.
almost 4 years ago, Michele Sedam
Congratulations to the 2020-2021 Harper Graduates! We are so proud of you!
almost 4 years ago, Michele Sedam
2020-2021 Harper Grads
2020-2021 Harper Grads
2020-2021 Harper Grads
2020-2021 Harper Grads
Congratulations to the 2020-2021 Harper Graduates! We are so proud of you!
almost 4 years ago, Michele Sedam
2020-2021 Harper Grads
2020-2021 Harper Grads
2020-2021 Harper Grads
2020-2021 Harper Grads
Sign up for the B.A.R.K. Summer Reading Program is underway. Visit www.tcitys.org or request a registration packet from your child's teacher.
almost 4 years ago, Michele Sedam
Georgia Milestones testing begins tomorrow (Tuesday, May 11). Please make sure your children get enough rest to do their best on the test! Also, please get them to school on time. Thanks for all you do!
almost 4 years ago, Michele Sedam
Thank you to Ben Peirce, from The First Bank, for providing a delicious lunch from Diablo's today for Teacher Appreciation Week!
almost 4 years ago, Michele Sedam
Teacher Appreciation
Teacher Appreciation
Teacher Appreciation
Today, Thursday, April 29 is the last day for after school tutoring.
almost 4 years ago, Michele Sedam
The B.A.R.K.Summer Reading Program will be held at Harper June 7- July 1. The application is available at the top of the Thomasville City Schools website. www.tcitys.org
almost 4 years ago, Michele Sedam
B.A.R.K. Summer Reading Program
Thursday, April 29th is the last day for after school tutoring. Thursday, May 13th is the last day for 21st Century.
almost 4 years ago, Michele Sedam